Maps made easy

Map examples

All map examples were generated with our plugin. Most examples can be imported directly to your plugin. A download button can be found at the end of each example page.

Interactive Map of Norway

This is an interactive map of Norway:

In this example the tooltips contain the name of the provinces. They become visible when the user hovers over a given region. It is also possible to make tooltips visible when the user clicks on a given region. The content of a tooltip can be replaced by any text or HTML. Especially, HTML tooltips allow to customize the styling of tooltips.

The map of Norway can be split into the following regions:

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Responsive? Yes!

Our maps are fully responsive. They automatically fit into the available width. Try it by resizing your browser window.

Did you know…

  • All examples are importable to your plugin.
  • We extend our set of examples from time to time. If you think there is an example missing, write us a message and we will try to add it!

User reviews

  • Best map-plugin I could find.
  • Great support. Real fast response. This was exactly what I needed. Very flexible and useful.
  • Was waiting for plugin like this for ages! Customer support is also great.
  • Customer support is excellent and very quick. I have no hesitation in recommending this product.

Example for a sidebar map

All maps can also easily be added to your sidebar.