Maps made easy

Map examples

All map examples were generated with our plugin. Most examples can be imported directly to your plugin. A download button can be found at the end of each example page.

Responsive US Map for WordPress

This is a sample map of the USA created with our Interactive Map Builder.

Please click on one of the states.

You can choose an individual color and tooltip for each state on the US map. The plugin also allows to capture click events and to run custom JavaScript code. Like in the sample map, it is possible to show additional HTML content below the map. This is especially useful if the content is too large to be displayed in a tooltip. It is also possible to run your own JavaScript code if the user clicks on a region. For example, this could allow to open a lightbox or to send the user to another page.

You can also use markers instead of highlighted regions. These are often useful if you want to highlight certain points on a map, like stores and cities. Like the regions, each marker can have its own color and tooltip.

Another mode allows to use text markers. This mode was introduced in version 2.0. It allows to place text markers on the map. You can find some samples on the map example page.

This is how administration panel looks like:

screen-usa screen-usa4 screen-usa2

The map configuration can be found here:

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Interactive US Map with State Names

Please click on one of the states.

This is customized US map that shows all state names and displays HTML below the map when a text marker is clicked. You change the region of this map to create a similar map of any other country.

To import this map, please use the download button from below. If you want to open a link when a marker is clicked, please click on the “Map Template” bar and have a look at the JavaScript. This is the third text field. There you will already find predefined code for opening links in the same or a new window. You only have to delete the “//” in front of the corresponding line. Please don’t forget to delete or put new “//” in front of the old code. If you want to execute other actions, please send us a message and we will provide you the needed code.

If you want to activate tooltips (HTML tooltips are also possible) or want to change the font size of the text marker, you can do this in the map builder as usual.

You can also replace the text by your own. For example, you could also use abbreviations for the states:

Please click on one of the states.

This is the configuration of the first map:

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Map of California with Markers

This is a sample map of California showing three markers of San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego:

If you click on one of the markers, it will open the corresponding Wikipedia article. The URL is stored for each marker in its “click value”. The Map Template allows to execute custom JavaScript code, when the user clicks on one of the markers. The example from above uses the following JavaScript to open a URL on the same page:

window.location = click_value;
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Responsive? Yes!

Our maps are fully responsive. They automatically fit into the available width. Try it by resizing your browser window.

Did you know…

  • All examples are importable to your plugin.
  • We extend our set of examples from time to time. If you think there is an example missing, write us a message and we will try to add it!

User reviews

  • Best map-plugin I could find.
  • Great support. Real fast response. This was exactly what I needed. Very flexible and useful.
  • Was waiting for plugin like this for ages! Customer support is also great.
  • Customer support is excellent and very quick. I have no hesitation in recommending this product.

Example for a sidebar map

All maps can also easily be added to your sidebar.