v2.3 – June 2, 2019
* Added support for Gutenberg and a few minor changes
v2.2.1 – November 12, 2018
* Fix for the iframe becoming bigger in Chrome browsers
v2.2 – January 5, 2018
* Better compatibility with other themes, mainly Divi
* Problems with text markers removed
v2.1 – August 25, 2017
* Some minor changes and fixed compatibility issues to other plugins and themes.
v2.0.1 – May 21, 2016
* Improved compatibility to other plugins and themes. A problem while saving a large amount of markers/regions has also been removed.
v2.0 – September 26, 2014
* Bigger update. Includes:
- New: Map Builder allows to edit the HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- New: Text labels
- New: HTML Tooltips
- New: Selectable tooltips trigger “hover” and “click”
- New: Virtual Composer ready. List of maps will be displayed in the composer.
- New: Continent and Subcontinent border resolutions
- Changed: The “Click Actions” were renamed to “Map Templates”
v1.0.1 – April 4, 2014
* Minor changes. Improved compatibility to other plugins.
v1.0.0 – March 26, 2014
* Initial Launch of the plugin