Maps made easy

Map examples

All map examples were generated with our plugin. Most examples can be imported directly to your plugin. A download button can be found at the end of each example page.

Map of New Zealand

This is a basic map showing new Zealand. Tooltips were disabled for this map. If needed, they can be enabled and each state can have an individual tooltip. More interactivity can be added with click actions. Examples for possible click actions can be found in the left menu.

It is also possible to get a more focused map by adding custom CSS rules. An example with a custom crop for New Zealand can be found here.

The map configuration can be seen here:

Name Value Description
Region New Zealand List with all available regions
Width auto Width of the map in pixel. 'Auto' means that the map is centered in the available width.
Height 400 Height of the map in pixel. 'Auto' means that the map is centered in the available height.
Display mode Regions Specifies the display mode of the map.
Border resolution Provinces The resolution of the map borders.
Tooltips Off Allows to display a tooltip for highlighted map elements.
Tooltips: Trigger none The user interaction that causes the tooltip to be displayed.
Tooltips: Use HTML Off Specifies if the tooltips should use HTML. This allows to customize the tooltips even more. For example, if this property is on, it is possible to display images wihtin the tooltip.
#{cssid} {
<div id="{cssid}">


Executed when a marker/region is clicked.

Click value can be defined for each map element.

Color Name Click Value


If you need help or have questions, please leave a comment.


Responsive? Yes!

Our maps are fully responsive. They automatically fit into the available width. Try it by resizing your browser window.

Did you know…

  • All examples are importable to your plugin.
  • We extend our set of examples from time to time. If you think there is an example missing, write us a message and we will try to add it!

User reviews

  • Best map-plugin I could find.
  • Great support. Real fast response. This was exactly what I needed. Very flexible and useful.
  • Was waiting for plugin like this for ages! Customer support is also great.
  • Customer support is excellent and very quick. I have no hesitation in recommending this product.

Example for a sidebar map

All maps can also easily be added to your sidebar.