Maps made easy

Map examples

All map examples were generated with our plugin. Most examples can be imported directly to your plugin. A download button can be found at the end of each example page.

Custom Crop for Central and South America

This is a custom crop for a map which only shows parts of Central, South and North America. If you want to use the custom crop with one of your maps, you can simply import the map by using the download button below. If you already created a map, you can copy the HTML and CSS of map template of this map over to your existing map. If you have problems with this, please let us know and we will help you.

Please also note that the custom crop is not useful for all maps. It is possible that tooltips will get cut off if they are are located close to the left side.

The map configuration can be seen here:

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Map of South and Central America

This is a sample map showing Central and South America together. The plugin normally only allows to show North, Central or South America alone or all together on a map. The given map was created by applying specific CSS rules. We recommend to take a look at the CSS and the HTML of the map template which can be found at the end of this page. The documentation is missing this part right now, but it will be extended soon.

If you need help with a custom crop, please let us know!

Please note that the custom crop is not useful for all maps. It is possible that tooltips will get cut off if they are are located close to the left side.

The map configuration can be seen here:

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Responsive? Yes!

Our maps are fully responsive. They automatically fit into the available width. Try it by resizing your browser window.

Did you know…

  • All examples are importable to your plugin.
  • We extend our set of examples from time to time. If you think there is an example missing, write us a message and we will try to add it!

User reviews

  • Best map-plugin I could find.
  • Great support. Real fast response. This was exactly what I needed. Very flexible and useful.
  • Was waiting for plugin like this for ages! Customer support is also great.
  • Customer support is excellent and very quick. I have no hesitation in recommending this product.

Example for a sidebar map

All maps can also easily be added to your sidebar.