This is a sample map of the USA created with our Interactive Map Builder.
You can choose an individual color and tooltip for each state on the US map. The plugin also allows to capture click events and to run custom JavaScript code. Like in the sample map, it is possible to show additional HTML content below the map. This is especially useful if the content is too large to be displayed in a tooltip. It is also possible to run your own JavaScript code if the user clicks on a region. For example, this could allow to open a lightbox or to send the user to another page.
You can also use markers instead of highlighted regions. These are often useful if you want to highlight certain points on a map, like stores and cities. Like the regions, each marker can have its own color and tooltip.
Another mode allows to use text markers. This mode was introduced in version 2.0. It allows to place text markers on the map. You can find some samples on the map example page.
This is how administration panel looks like:
The map configuration can be found here:
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